When our young relatives have been to stay we find hair clips and elastics everywhere. I decided to make a purse for the children to store their hair accessories in. Measurements for such an item are down to individual taste and the number of items to be stored. This was my first attempt. It is awaiting approval and suggestions from prospective owners for improvement - only they know how big and varied their hair accessory collections really are . Materials: Outer : width -16 cm, length 34 cm cotton or polyester Inner: width 16 cm, length 34 cm cotton or polyester Lining - width 15 cm, length 33 cm lightweight batting or fleece Pocket for elastics - width 16 cm, length 26cm Ribbon holders for clips: three pieces each 16 cm long A button - preferably one with a shank at the back to lift it. Make your pattern: Fold your paper lengthways. Mark the top centre. Measure 4 cm down each side and put a small mark....