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Bits and Bobs

Bibs and bags again! I'm finding that they are more popular than my attempts at dressmaking. Here are a few things I've made in the last couple of weeks:

A waterproof bib -

I've had this material in my stash for nearly two years. I bought it in a sale in an Aberkhan Mill shop in North Wales but I've not been brave enough to try it on my sewing machine. I cannot believe how long it took to make - 20 minutes! The fastening should go on the right but I have turned the bib over and put the fastening on left because I prefer the elephant on the front to the giraffe which is now on the back! I'll take more care cutting out if I make another waterproof bib. 

The free pattern is by Bonnie who has made the pattern available in sizes: Infant, Toddler and Big Kid as a pdf download from her website at Fishstick Designs.  I used the Toddler size although the bib is for a seven month old as I like the length when baby is attempting to feed herself.

Another patchwork bib - using the same free pattern as the waterproof bib above. 

(Edit: In looking up where I found the pattern I have found the super tutorial on making this a reversible bib here at Fishsticks Designs.

A bib with sleeves
I'm not sure that the time it takes to make these sleeved bibs is worth the effort.

A named bag

Lined and with a press stud fastening to prevent most items from falling out if the bag it tipped upside down!

The other side of the bag:

Wondering about making bags for children in our family ready for shopping in December. Too soon?


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