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Scrapping It

I used up some of my blue scraps to make a zipped pouch to hold my sewing tools and a Oliver and Schwinn sunhat. Whilst the Heat and Bond fleece interfacing made the pouch easy to sew, it was definitely not useful for the brim of the sunhat as it simply refused to iron flat with so many joins in my patchwork. 

I did not make the sunhat reversible - I lined the cap area with a light cotton.

I pressed the brim edge flat ready to top stitch but did not use a pressing cloth. Another lesson learned - my iron decided to deposit a stain on a light lilac area. Well it would choose that colour wouldn't it?

So not perfect but from a distance - interesting and as my husband commented, "It's nothing to worry about - it's only a hat."

Edit: Hooray! The wearer has since had compliments about her hat. Several have likened it to a Holly Hobbie hat. Pleased!


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